Football brings people from all backgrounds together and unites them in a collective experience.
Football organisations, venues and teams realise the impact they can have on the environment and in enhancing people’s awareness of sustainability. We can see this through action that has been taken in order to promote sustainability in football throughout the world.
A sneak peek at the facts…
The overall carbon footprint of the 2014 FIFA World Cup was estimated to be just over 2.7 million tonnes of CO2 (tCO2e)
A new Russian standard has been developed for the purpose of certifying the 2018 FIFA World Cup stadiums to be in line with international standards
Arsenal have reduced energy usage by 8% by installing variable speed drives to the air handling units and introducing LED lighting across the stadium.
This infographic is brought to you by Climate Action – bringing you the 2nd Sustainable Innovation in Sports event in Munich, Germany on the 22-23 February 2017.
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